EDA Main Street Revitalization Project

Main Street Schematic Drawing


November 8, 2024: The Main Street Revitalization Project has officially gone out to bid. Please see the Main Street Schematic drawing above for a sneak peek of whats to come.


On August 30, 2022 the City of Cottage Grove received approval notification for a $5,000,000.00 grant to fund a rebuild of the historic Main Street from 8th Street to the bridge over the Coast Fork of the Willamette. The City will match the EDA grant dollars with an additional $1,250,000.00 for a total project funding of $6,250,000.00


What is included in the EDA Man Street Revitalization Grant?

Project includes street repaving, frontage improvements, and new water and storm sewer utilities.  These improvements include new sidewalk; new curb/gutter, pervious pavers in revised parking areas; water main; water services; storm sewer; storm sewer manholes; double lamp poles;  vehicular poles with signals;  pedestrian poles at crosswalks; street trees;  water fountains; new pavement striping, and other improvements such as fiber network cable.

The Main Street Refinement Plan, which was adopted by the City Council in 2015, will guide much of the project, scheduled to begin in the fall of 2023 or Spring of 2024. CLICK HERE to view the 2015 Main Street Refinement Plan. The EDA Main Street Revitalization project also addresses another key component of the need for a Main Street upgrade, the lack of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The project will fund new lighting and the replacement of benches and trash receptacles, in addition to the sidewalk widths, and replacement of the trees that have caused damage to sidewalks and buildings with new trees and tree wells more suited to the Main Street location.




March 2024 -The City has received the 50% preliminary drawings (attached below).  The project dates have been extended due to the amount of work necessary to align the historic store frontages. Each building face is unique, the engineers are taking great care to make sure everything lines up seamlessly. 


On Monday, January 23, 2023  the Cottage Grove City Council met to discuss the three outstanding design elements that were not finalized in the 2015 Main Street Refinement Plan. A work session was scheduled just prior to the scheduled City Council Meeting to discuss the conceptual drawings created by Branch Engineering. These drawings were created to address the three outstanding design elements from the 2015 Main Street Refinement Plan.

City Staff met with Downtown Main Street business and property owners to explain the drawings and get their opinions. Mayor Sloesbee, Councilor Merryday and Councilor Erin attended the event and visited several businesses to get their reactions. There were a full spectrum of opinions which were written and provided to all the City Councilors. City Council did a great job of compromising and reached a decision on how to advise engineers to move forward.

They voted, unanimously, on the sidewalk width of 12 feet, an 8 foot parking lane and a 12 foot travel lane. Branch Engineering will work with Daugherty Landscape Architects to place two trees on each side of the street, per block. The trees will be placed in tree wells to prevent foundation and sidewalk damage.

They decided on full bulb outs which affect both on both Main Street and the side streets. The side street bulb out will be decreased is size to allow a more comfortable turning radius. The bulb outs on Main Street will increase the visual to assist pedestrian safety while crossing. This choice of bulb out will assist with the Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.

City Engineers will design plans based off City Council recommendations.  With any major construction project, there may be alterations we are unaware of that are necessary for safety and security. Staff will continue to provide the most current information as it becomes available.

Branch Engineering will work on the final plans through the end of 2023. Once the drawings are complete, we will go out to bid. Construction is estimated to start in 2024.