
Budget Document
The City of Cottage Grove follows the budget process as required by State Law.  The Proposed Budget is presented to the Budget Committee.  The Budget Committee consists of 14 people (7 City Council members and 7 members of the public appointed by the Council to the committee).  The Budget Committee reviews the Proposed Budget and after the review can make changes or adjustments.  When the Budget Committee is finished they approve the budget.  The Approved Budget then is presented to the City Council for their review and discussion.   The City Council will hold a public hearing about the budget.   The City Council after the public hearing and discussion can make changes to the Approved Budget and then must adopt the budget prior to July 1.  The process is described in the Local Budget Handbook  that was prepared by the Oregon Department of Revenue.

2024- 25 Adopted Budget and Prior Adopted Budgets

Title Attachments
2024-2025 Adopted Budget Document
2023-24 Adopted Budget Document
2022-23 Adopted Budget Document
2021-22 Adopted Budget Document
2020-21 Adopted Budget Document
2019-20 Adopted Budget Document
2018-19 Adopted Budget Document
2017-18 Adopted Budget Document
2016-2017 Adopted Budget Document
2015-2016 Adopted Budget Document
2014-2015 Adopted Budget Document
2013-2014 Adopted Budget Document
2012-2013 Adopted Budget Document
2011-2012 Adopted Budget Document
2010-2011 Adopted Budget Document
2009-2010 Adopted Budget Document
2008-2009 Adopted Budget Document
2007-2008 Adopted Budget Document