Community Development

Downtown Cottage Grove

Starting Thurs. Jan. 16th, 2025, the Community Development Department

                          will be closed on Thursdays from 12-5pm.

         We will be available by appointment only on those afternoons.


The Development & Planning Division of the Public Works & Development Department is engaged in activities related to improving the livability of Cottage Grove.  There are four divisions that guide the growth and change in Cottage Grove to enhance the character of the community, preserve its historic assets, and help to create a quality natural and built environment. The staff works in partnership with the residents, businesses, and various community groups to address their interests and preserve a strong, healthy community.

The divisions of Development & Planning include: 

Planning, which oversees a large number of short range and long range plans including: land use, park & transportation planning, historic preservation, the Main Street Program, the Willamette Greenway, low impact development, floodplain enhancement, code enforcement, and grant development.             

Building, which oversees permitting and building code including: permit issuance, plan review, ePermitting, and inspection of various state specialty, fire, and electrical codes.

Economic Development, which oversees various pieces of the City’s development including: the Enterprise Zone, business recruitment & retention, workforce development, the CG Industrial Park, and coordination with other local and government agencies like the CG Community Development Corporation.

Emergency Management, which oversees planning for emergencies and other duties including: preparing for, protecting against, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating all hazards; administering the National Flood Insurance Program, Emergency Operations Plan, Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, etc.