Invitation to Bid on the Cottage Grove Bohemia Park Expansion, Entry Plaza Project

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number: 
Cottage Grove Bohemia Park Expansion, Entry Plaza Project EDA #07-79-07918
Back to Bids/RFPs



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Sealed bids for the Bohemia Park Expansion, City of Cottage Grove, Oregon, shall be addressed to the City Engineer, Julie Leland, PE, 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 and will be received at Branch Engineering, Inc., 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. Acceptance of bids will be officially closed at 2:00 pm Pacific Time, May 2 nd , 2024, and immediately thereafter the bids will be publicly opened and read at Branch Engineering. The bid shall be submitted under sealed cover and marked with the Contractor’s name and project name. Bids received after the date and time fixed for opening will not be considered. No electronic or facsimile submitals will be accepted.


The project involves the construction of new park amenities that include: installation of a water tank as a water feature, a splash play area, a public restroom, walkways, a playground, and landscape features at the north of the undeveloped portion of the Bohemia Park in Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon. The work involves site preparation, excavating, grading, compaction for the building pad and foundation, utility connections to the building including wastewater service pipe and water service line installation, rock and concrete paving, and restoration. The Engineer’s Estimate for this Project is approximately $1,050,000-$1,200,000.


The Project Manual including; Plans, Specifications, Agreement, and Bid Forms are available at the City of Cottage Grove’s website where they can be viewed and printed. Any Addenda will also be posted on the city’s website City of Cottage Grove’s website All prospective bidders must be added to the Plan Holders List by sending an e-mail with company contact information to with the project title in the subject line. Prospective bidders must be on the Plan Holders List for their bid to be considered. Bidders are responsible for checking the website for addenda and changes prior to submitting bid, however notification of Addenda issuance will be issued via e-mail to the addresses listed on the Plan Holders List. No hard copy of the bid documents will be available. A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at Bohemia Park on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 at 2 PM.


Bidders must be pre-qualified with the City of Cottage Grove in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 279C.430 by submitting either a completed City of Cottage Grove Prequalification form or an Oregon Department of Transportation form on or before 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 to Branch Engineering. Bidders and/or subcontractors must be prequalified in street repair construction, water and wastewater construction, Buildings, Earthwork and Drainage to complete the project. City of Cottage Grove Pre-qualification forms are available at 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 or by emailing You may pre-qualify with the Oregon Department of Transportation at 121 Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310.


Notice is hereby given that this contract is for a Public Work, subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Advertisement for Bids COTTAGE GROVE BOHEMIA PARK EXPANSION 


All bids must be sealed and plainly marked on the outside showing the name of the bidder: the project name: the date and time of bid opening: the words "sealed bid": and addressed to Julie Leland, PE, City Engineer, 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477. There is no pre-bid conference scheduled for this project.