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Request For Proposals - Design/Engineering Services for Storm Water Drainage System Master Plan Development
Bid/RFP Status:
Open - accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date:
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - 2:00pm
Bid/RFP Reference Number:
Not an employee position - Contracted Services
Request for Proposals for Design/Engineering Services for Storm Water Drainage System Master Plan Development
The City is extending the proposal due date to March 5, 2025 at 2:00 pm.
The following clarifications and revisions for the above-referenced project are hereby incorporated by Addendum #1 to the previously issued bid documents.
On February 12, 2024 at 1:30 pm Cottage Grove held a pre-submittal meeting at Cottage Grove City Hall. The questions below were received during the meeting or through follow up emails. The following representatives were from Carollo, Ed Wicklein, Kurt Robinson, and Jaci Amend. Also in attendance was Ryan Retzlaff from Keller Associates.
Keller & Associates Questions
I asked about meeting DLDC and DEQ requirements. Faye you asked that I follow up so that you could address my comment/question. This is not a big concern of mine but want to make sure we understand the need so it can be incorporated into the plan. DLCD requires the Utility Master Plans be attached to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and be aligned with the land-use the plan allows. Answer; The Stormwater Master Plan will need to have a public hearing at both the Planning Commission and City Council followed by adoption by the City Council. Once approved it will be added as an appendix to the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan. DEQ has approved grant and loan funding for this project. They will be given a copy of the Draft Stormwater Master Plan for their review and comments prior to City Council adoption.
It doesn’t sound like much of the data from the 2015 study is available. However, I would request that whatever data can be located that it be made available. I suggest a formal request to Carollo to send the city all files associated with the previous study might be helpful. Answer; City staff has looked for the data from the 2011 and 2015 study and unable to locate the data information. The City will make a request for that information after the Engineering firm is selected for the project.
I would like to see the flow data and associated rainfall data to verify it can be used to calibrate the model. Can this be made available? Answer; The US3 2022 flow monitoring report is attached and appears to have flow data for 4 storm water drainage systems including rainfall data. City staff was unable to locate data from the 2011 and 2015 draft master plans.
Can the current GIS be made available? This would also be very helpful to interrogate and review. Answer; We are currently working with the county and LCOG on other projects so are familiar with this team. The link to our current GIS is, https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/6ae522417f8a4c918f77c5e15c74ae5f When visiting the site you will need to open the Cottage Facility Data by clicking on the eye icon. The open the stormwater related eye icons.
I would like to formally request an additional week for the proposal due date which would put the due date on March 5, 2025. Answer; Yes, the City is extending the proposal due date to March 5, 2025 at 2:00 pm.
Carollo Questions
Can the proposal be submitted via UPS/FedEX? Answer; Yes, the proposals can be submitted via UPS or FedEX arriving at Cottage Grove City Hall by 2:00 pm on February 26, 2025. City Hall mailing address is 400 E. Main Street, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424.
How many hard copies of the proposal are required? Answer; 4 hard copies of the proposal are required. Is an electronic version of the proposal needed? Answer; Yes.
Will LCOG electronically port all stormwater GIS data? Answer; Yes.
How current is the GIS data, is LCOG regularly maintaining and updating system information? Answer; The GIS data is as current. There are concerns with the accuracy of the older data as far as exact location. The Link to the City GIS is, https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/6ae522417f8a4c918f77c5e15c74ae5f
Several recent storm projects were noted, are they in the GIS or will design or as-builts be available? Answer; Design and as-built plans for recent stormwater improvement projects are available.
Will City crews perform CCTV as needed for condition assessment? Answer; Yes, City staff will be available to CCTV stormwater lines and verify pipe sizes.
Is utility rate analysis still a desired component of the plan, or will this be separately handled by another consultant under city contract? Answer; No, the City is under contract with Waterworth for preform rate analysis. City staff is also able to utilize the Waterworth financial software to determine utility rates.
Will the water master plan growth projections be the basis and available for storm system growth projection? Answer; Yes.
End of Addendum #1
Pursuant to Cottage Grove Municipal Code Appendix XV, Public Contracting Rules, the City of Cottage Grove is conducting a formal selection process to invite qualified designers or engineers to submit proposals for developing a Storm Water Drainage System Master Plan for the Drinking Water for the City of Cottage Grove. The successful Proposer will create a master plan for the storm drainage system.
The full RFP may be obtained by clicking on this link or from Faye Stewart. Questions posed to:
Name: Damien Gilbert, Branch Engineering, Inc
Title: City Engineer
Telephone: 541-746-0637
Email: damieng@branchengineering.com
Name: Faye Stewart
Title: Public Works Director
City of Cottage Grove
400 E. Main Street
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Telephone: (541) 767-4120
Email: pwdirector@cottagegrove.org
Proposals will be received by the City until closing at 2:00 p.m., on February 26, 2025. Responses received after this time will be rejected as non-responsive. Proposers shall submit proposals in a sealed opaque envelope, plainly marked “Proposal for Cottage Grove Storm Water Master Plan Project,” Attention: Public Works & Development Director, Faye Stewart, at the
above address. Faxed and emailed proposals will be rejected as non-responsive.