Councilor At Large - Jim Settelmeyer

Councilor At Large Jim Settelmeyer


Jim Settelmeyer was elected to the City Council in the November 5, 2024 General Election as an At Large City Councilor, to fill a vacancy until the remainder of the term. 

Mike and Martha Settelmeyer moved to Cottage Grove with their first eight children in 1962. This was just in time to witness the Columbus Day Storm uproot half of the giant Douglas Fir trees in what later was named Coiner Park from a house less than a block away. 

He feels blessed growing up living, working, playing and attending school in Cottage Grove. Jim is #6 of Mike and Martha's warm and supportive 10 kid family. Jim's brothers and sisters continue to be important in his life. Here he found a wonderful pack of friends. And he found his favorite wife here! Together he and Joyce raised their 2 sons here. Jim and Joyce continue to be big fans of Sam and Teagan (and their wives Emily and McKenzie).

All told, Jim has lived in CG around 50 years. He graduated from CGHS in 1976 and retired from the "new" CGHS in 2022. He has had many local jobs including paper boy, bean and strawberry picker, grocery storer, millworker, summer park ranger and school teacher.

Joyce and he have the pleasure of working with many wonderful volunteers and contributors in Tree of Joy, The Great IceCream Bowl, CG Peace Pole creation, runCGrun, and other positive community projects. 

Jim is happy collaborating with other Citizens eager to work towards a positive future for Cottage Grove. Councilor Settelmeyer will use his position to learn how to be a better resource in this pursuit.

Councilor Settelmeyer's term expires December 31, 2026.