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Historic Preservation

Historic resources are vital to the preservation of Cottage Grove’s community identity and history. The City of Cottage Grove wants to protect and encourage the continued use of our historic resources to ensure the sustainability of our community.
We manage our historic resources collaboratively in Cottage Grove, through the work of numerous Heritage Partners. These Heritage Partners include the Cottage Grove Historic Preservation Commission, Cottage Grove Historical Society, Cottage Grove Museum, Cottage Grove Genealogical Society, Bohemia Gold Mining Museum, Downtown Cottage Grove, and Friends of Mt. David, among others. Together we work to ensure the community's heritage is preserved for future generations.
"Northwest Neighborhood" Intensive Level Survey: Final Report to Historic Landmarks Commission
Please join us for a presentation by Evan West to the Historic Landmarks Commission of the final report of his "Northwest Neighborhood" Intensive Level Survey. This report discusses the National Register-nomination potential of 4 houses in the Northwest Neighborhood – 207 N H Street, 138 N H Street, 1010 Birch Avenue, 39 I Street, and 1142 Ash Avenue.
The presentation will be held:
Monday, April 5, 2021
City Council Chambers, City Hall
Cottage Grove Historic Preservation Plan Update: Partnering to Preserve Our Heritage 2019
In 2019, we adopted a city-wide preservation plan, titled Cottage Grove Historic Preservation Plan Update: Partnering to Preserve Our Heritage, to continue heritage conservation in Cottage Grove. This plan focuses on the long-range management of Cottage Grove’s cultural heritage, with the intent of organizing community-wide efforts to sustainably manage the historic character of Cottage Grove while promoting community, collaboration and economic stability. The Historic Landmarks Commission convenes our heritage partners annually to review our progress in meeting the goals of the plan.
Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources in Cottage Grove
The Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources (DRHR) in Cottage Grove is the result of a partnership between the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) Oregon Heritage Program and the City of Cottage Grove. The overarching goal of the DRHR is to increase community level knowledge and provide a framework for decision-making about heritage resources in the case of a disaster in Cottage Grove. More broadly, the project aims to create a model heritage resource disaster resilience framework applicable to heritage organizations throughout the state. Cottage Grove City Council adopted the plan as a refinement to the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan in December 2020.