Other Applications

For the fee schedule, click on the application title.

Title Fee Attachments
Annexation (CC Public Hearing)


Annexation (Expedited)


Appeal Application

Planning Commission $210.00 + Actual Costs

City Council $420.00 + Actual Costs                    

Erosion Prevention Permit

$57.75 (up to four (4) inspections)

$28.35 (one (1) inspection only)

Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption Program-


Pre-application Conference


If you are interested in having a Pre-Application Conference or are required to do so in conjunction with a Land Use Application please contact Leni Crow, Associate Planner at lcrow@cottagegrove.org or 541-942-5501.

Attendance at the Pre-Application Conference will include Planning, Building, Engineering, and Public Works Staff and relevant utility providers. Please allow up to two weeks to get your meeting scheduled. 

Typical items provided to the City prior to the Pre-Application Conference include:

*Site Plans

*Building Elevations

*Floor plans

The fee for the Pre-Application Conference is $257.50.

Vacation Application

$500.00 + Actual Costs