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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in Cottage Grove.

Five Great Reasons to Recycle
- Recycling reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills or that is burned or combusted
- Recycling conserves precious natural resources like wood, water, and minerals
- Recycling saves energy
- Recycling reduces emissions that contribute to global climate change
- Recycling can save businesses money due to decreased trash volume
Recycling Services - Residential & Commercial
Recycling services in Cottage Grove are administered by Cottage Grove Garbage Service.
Residential: Curbside recycling is picked up each week; residents who have signed up for trash service will receive a recycling tub to be used for recyclable materials. Follow this link to see what items are recyclable.
Commercial: Depending upon need, Cottage Grove Garbage Service offer both cart & dumpster options for commercial recycling.
Recyclable materials are also accepted at Lane County Transfer sites.
To contact Cottage Grove Garbage Service about collection services, call Tim Alverson at (541)942-8321or email: cggarbage@yahoo.com.
More Information
These Oregon Department of Environmental Quality websites provide more information, including topics like re-use and composting:
Waste prevention outreach campaigns
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has developed waste prevention campaigns to help encourage waste reduction in communities.
Make Every Thread Count is an Oregon public awareness campaign that encourages Oregonians to think differently before buying clothes, make smarter choices at the register and extend the life of their clothing. Oregonians are smart, practical consumers and this campaign shows how simple steps can greatly reduce the environmental impacts associated with clothing.
Wasted Food Wasted Money is a public awareness campaign designed to help commercial generators of food save money by reducing wasted food. This includes grocers, restaurants and commercial kitchens and campaign materials are designed to address each audience. To reduce waste, this campaign outlines four simple steps and provides tools and resources to help businesses succeed.